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Bronchiectasis for Chiesi

The concern of doctors regarding the needs of patients has been the engine that has allowed knowledge of bronchiectasis to have evolved so much in recent years. Specific regulations, patient registries, training activities, and studies have been created that increase both the degree of knowledge of the disease by all levels of health and the degree of specific scientific evidence available.

However, from Chiesi we consider that there are many goals to be achieved in this disease whose heterogeneity in its presentation and its frequent comorbidities make its management a challenge for the professionals who treat them. Hence, we defend that work and cooperation are key to keep moving forward.

Our goal is to be part of the support that scientific societies, researchers and patients need so that the next decade means the consolidation of knowledge about bronchiectasis. Only in this way will it be possible to standardize its management and treatment and will it be possible to add scientific contributions that will allow the development of better technology and therapeutic arsenal

Vendrell et al. Diagnóstico y tratamiento de las bronquiectasias. Arch Bronconeumol. 2008;44(11):629-40 M.Á. Martínez-García et al. / Arch Bronconeumol. 2018;54(2):88–98

Bronchiectasis (BQ) is not a disease in itself, but the end stage of different diseases that have common treatment points. These are abnormal and irreversible dilatations of the bronchi with alteration of the ciliary epithelium, which can be localized or generalized.
In frequency, they are the third chronic inflammatory affectation of the airway, after asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), and in close relationship with both.
Classically they have differentiated into:

  • BQ due to cystic fibrosis (CF): They only represent a small percentage of the total. They affect a homogeneous population of patients in whom respiratory involvement is the main predictor of mortality.
  • Non-CF CF: Affects a heterogeneous population of patients and has very different etiologies, including those of unknown cause, each with its own characteristics

The treatment of bronchiectasis (BQ) aims to improve the clinic and stop the progression. It is based on the treatment of etiology, acute and chronic infection, drainage of secretions and the treatment of complications.

Vendrell et al. Diagnóstico y tratamiento de las bronquiectasias. Arch Bronconeumol. 2008;44(11):629-40 M.Á. Martínez-García et al. / Arch Bronconeumol. 2018;54(2):88–98