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The concept of Sustainability in Chiesi
Sustainability is part of our business model both locally and globally. Since 2018 Chiesi has evolved from a classic model of Corporate Social Responsibility, where philanthropy and CSR prevailed, to adopt the "Shared Value" model: with which we pursue a benefit for the business as society.
Sustainability Report 2023 in English
Reports ESG 2023 in English
Climate Transition Plan 2023 in English
Sustainability Report 2022 in Spanish
Sustainability Report 2022 in English


Chiesi strives every day to use the company positively to contribute to the following 11 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) within the framework of the 17 SDGS from agenda 2030 of UN. We believe Chiesi has the capacity, resources and skills to contribute to the SDGs. We have focused on these nine specific SDGs to have a greater impact on them responding to our business model.
Chiesi's 4 Pillars: Patients, People, Planet and Association
One of the premises of our company since its foundation is to contribute to improving people's quality of life in a sustainable way. In line with this philosophy and considering the special sensitivity that Chiesi employees show towards people, we have forged a solid strategy of social, environmental and economic sustainability.

This issue is not a starting point, but has been adopted as a business philosophy that guides all of the company's actions, which are encompassed in four main areas: People, Patients, Planet and Partnership.
B Corp: Hagamos que el mundo sea mejor

The Chiesi Group is the largest B Corp Pharmaceutical Group recognized globally, a certification of high social and environmental standards. It is a success we can be proud of and yet it seems natural: Caring for others has always been at the center of our work. We join this global movement as a force to do good.trabajo. Nos unimos a este movimiento global como una fuerza para ejercer el bien. Un modelo a seguir en el que esperamos ser un ejemplo l que otras empresas se sumen.

Our initiatives, an example of shared value

This project has allowed for the first time to carry out a corporate volunteering policy where 5 people from Chiesi collaborated closely with SEPAR health professionals in Tres Isletas (Argentina) during two weeks of August in 2019 with the aim of improving the quality of life of the patients with respiratory pathology, expand the training of professionals and raise awareness of respiratory health

Watch the documentary

Respirar es vida is an awareness and awareness program about asthma and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), two of the most prevalent chronic respiratory diseases.

Visit the website